Tuesday 5 June 2018

Create Your Free Blog Website With Wordpress


Lern How to create a free blog website with wordpress :-

Wordpress is a free open-source CMS(Content Management System) of PHP. Wordpress is developed for creating blogs. At present time wordpress is used for dynamic website development. This platform is easy and suitable for those persons who not much friendly with programming. To create a blog website you need basic knowledge of wordpress blog. This is a drag and drop functionality. You easily add pictures texts and posts and create your blog. This is very easy for a non-technical person.

We describe you how can you install wordpress step-by step

1. Signup:- First go to https://wordpress.com and create your wordpress account. Click on "GetStarted" button at top right and fill the form with desired information. After fill the form submit the form and you will be registered then sign-in to your wordpress account.

2. Select Proper Theme:- After signup, sign-in your account now you loged-in in dashboard section. This is main screen after login. Now you can select proper theme that is suitable for your business from appearance section. There are many theme on wordpress.org .These are freely available. You can also purchase a paid theme for your blog. Install the theme and activate it.    

3. Customize Theme:- Activated theme require some modifications. Now you can change text, images, customize header and footer. Now you can run your blog by entering url of your blog.

4. Write Posts:- Write posts related to your business. You can add images, texts, headings and anchor texts in the post. All the post showing in your blog. Add different category of the post. You can set the post order and number of posts per page. Arrange post by date, by category, by title etc.

5. Create Pages:- Create multiple pages for the blog and write separate posts for different pages. Write category wise posts in the blog.

6. Add Plugins:- In wordpress you can install plugins for a specific task. There are many plugins for seperate tasks. You need not to write any code like php. 


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